I'm feeling really down this week. The Big Black Dog has found its way to me yet again. But I'm so close that I'm going to keep pushing through. It's only a matter of time before none of it matters. But yesterday? Fell asleep at 7:00. Woke up around midnight. Blogged hella lot. Fell back asleep around 2:30, I'm guessing. Had nightmares all night. Kept waking up. It was a strange dream.
I was in an apartment somewhere, and there were lots of people. I'm sure they were people I knew in life, but I couldn't tell you who they were now. People came in and out a lot. That stressed me out because I didn't know when people came in and out, and I was afraid I would let someone in I didn't know, or let someone leave that was too drunk to drive. I couldn't focus very long and my head was spinning. Then someone came to get us, and put us all in different pick-ups. I was in one with a girl and a guy, and there was a saw in the backseat (saw? wtf subconscious?). I cut my fingers on it, and they were split open quite badly. I tried to hold the wound together, but the fingers just kept swelling.
I woke up then and my fingers were kind of hot and a little swollen. I've had another dream like that where someone shot my fingers off. I don't know what the finger obsession is...
Then I fell asleep again. And this time I was back in the apartment. And I don't necessarily want to discuss the rest because it's kind of embarrassing. And I woke up once from that, regrettably. And then again out of fear later. Something must have gone wrong...
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